China and electric buses in Latin America

Vie, 05/17/2024 - 16:08 -- bacosta

China is the world's leading producer and buyer of electric vehicles (EVs) and electric buses (EBs) and has been the first to electrify its private and mass passenger transport. This fact has intensified trade disputes between China and the US, where China is the world leader.

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México frente a los autos eléctricos

Sáb, 03/09/2024 - 12:09 -- bacosta
Al desembarco de los autos eléctricos chinos en el mercado internacional ha obligado a EEUU a reaccionar con una serie de medidas para frenar la pérdida de su mercado automotriz y proteger su industria petrolera. Durante la administración de Trump, se impuso un arancel del 27.5% a los vehículos eléctricos (VE) que se importan directamente de China. Ya con Biden, en junio de 2023, se anunció un subsidio a los compradores de $7,500 dólares para la adquisición de VE producidos localmente.


Mar, 01/30/2024 - 02:32 -- bacosta

The very high inflation of 2022 led the US central banks, the FED, and the ECB of the EU to raise their interest rates. It was followed by all central banks in the rest of the Western world to keep exchange rates stable and to contain inflation. In China and some Asian countries, the dynamics are different.

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