Oscar Ugarteche

How is 2022 doing

Vie, 07/01/2022 - 11:39 -- bacosta

In January 2022, the IMF predicted a year of low growth with high inflation. Since then, the IMF has twice lowered its projections giving a gloomy outlook for global growth. OBELA estimated that the FED and the European Central Bank were in a dilemma where they would either ride with high inflation and some recovery or use the conventional monetary instruments of raising the interest rate and knock down the fragile consumption and investment dynamics to bring down inflation. There was a difference between the Fed having a monetary problem and the ECB recognising the geopolitical inflation issues. The result has been that both decided to raise interest rates and reduce liquidity, with predictable consequences.

Another decade of Mexican economic stagnation

Vie, 06/17/2022 - 18:07 -- bacosta

Mexico is a mixed economy: its GDP ranks among the 20 largest countries in the world, some industrial branches have a global presence, and its workforce is internationally competitive; however, its performance in recent decades has been negligible to the point that, after the fall of 2020, it was one of the Latin American countries with the slowest economic recovery. What is the reality facing the Mexican economy?

Una década (más) de estancamiento económico mexicano

Vie, 06/17/2022 - 17:25 -- bacosta

México es una economía mixta: su PIB se ubica entre los 20 países más grandes del mundo, algunas ramas industriales tienen presencia global y su fuerza de trabajo es competitiva a nivel internacional; sin embargo, su desempeño en las últimas décadas ha sido ínfimo al grado de que, después de la caída de 2020, fue uno de los países latinoamericanos con la recuperación económica más lenta. ¿Cuál es la realidad que enfrenta la economía mexicana?

Bipolar multilateralism

Lun, 03/07/2022 - 15:00 -- bacosta

The war in Ukraine has made evident the old US-led unipolar world order is dead, and a new one is in the making. Kissinger said, "Far too often the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West. But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.” There are three ways of understanding the Ukrainian war. One is the recovery of Ukraine by Russia after thirty years of independence to prevent Nato and the US from stepping in.

El multilateralismo bipolar

Lun, 03/07/2022 - 15:00 -- bacosta

La guerra de Ucrania ha puesto de manifiesto que el viejo orden mundial unipolar liderado por Estados Unidos ha muerto, y que se gesta uno nuevo. Kissinger dijo: "Con demasiada frecuencia la cuestión ucraniana se plantea como un enfrentamiento: si Ucrania se une al Este o al Oeste. Pero para que Ucrania sobreviva y prospere, no debe ser el puesto de avanzada de ninguno de los dos bandos contra el otro, sino que debe funcionar como un puente entre ellos". Hay tres formas de entender la guerra de Ucrania.

What does 2022 bring? Uncertainty

Vie, 01/28/2022 - 18:18 -- bacosta


After a 2021 with a smaller rebound than expected and with high commodity prices, a strongly negative real interest rate in the US, Great Britain, Europe and Japan, the year 2022 starts with great uncertainties. We will review the main global variables at play in the year and the repercussions this may have on Latin America.

The US economy, with large fiscal deficits, has very low growth rates and does so with the support of a very expansive monetary policy that has been partially responsible for inflation in the world. What is unprecedented is that the rate of investment does not seem to be altering.

¿Qué trae el 2022? Incertidumbre

Vie, 01/28/2022 - 17:55 -- bacosta

Después de un 2021 con un rebote menor del esperado y con un nivel de precios de commodities alto, una tasa de interés real fuertemente negativa en EEUU, Gran Bretaña, Europa y Japón, el año 2022 se inicia con grandes incertidumbres. Se revisarán las principales variables globales en juego en el año y las repercusiones que puede tener sobre América latina.

La economía de Estados Unidos, con grandes déficits fiscales tiene muy bajas tasas de crecimiento y lo hace con el apoyo de una política monetaria muy expansiva que ha resultado parcialmente responsable de la inflación en el mundo. Lo inédito es que la tasa de inversión no parece alterarse. 

La navidad más cara del siglo (hasta ahora)

Mar, 01/18/2022 - 14:25 -- anegrete

A nivel mundial, la inflación cerró 2021 con su nivel más alto de los últimos veinte años (40 años en el caso de EEUU) y las proyecciones indican que durante 2022. Sin embargo, aunque sea más baja que la del año pasado, seguiremos viéndola alta en 2022. ¿Por qué es una de las principales preocupaciones de gobiernos, bancos centrales y consumidores?

A los gobiernos les preocupa que los bancos centrales aceleren la normalización de los tipos de interés ante las altas tasas de inflación. Esto frenaría la recuperación económica y la creación de empleo y, en algunos casos, provocaría el deterioro de los saldos fiscales de algunos países que adquirieron deuda para mitigar los efectos de la contracción o desaceleración económica.

Las estrategias que sigan los gobiernos y los bancos centrales para controlar la inflación determinarán las condiciones económicas de los años siguientes y la capacidad del mundo para recuperarse de la contracción económica de 2020.

The most expensive christmas of the century (so far)

Mar, 01/18/2022 - 13:54 -- anegrete

Globally, inflation closed 2021 at its highest level in the last twenty years (40 years in the case of the US) and projections indicate that during 2022. However, even if it is lower than last year, we will continue to see it high in 2022. Why is it a top concern for governments, central banks and consumers?

Governments are concerned that central banks will speed up the normalization of interest rates in the face of high inflation rates. This would put a brake on economic recovery and job creation and, in some cases, would cause the deterioration of the fiscal balances of some countries that acquired debt to mitigate the effects of the economic contraction or slowdown.

The strategies followed by governments and central banks to control inflation will determine the economic conditions of the coming years and the ability of the world to recover from the economic contraction of 2020.

What happened in 2021

Vie, 01/07/2022 - 20:12 -- anegrete

The rebound of the world economy was the great feature of the year 2021. Anticipated as strong rebounds, they were less strong for some than for others. Governments that injected money into public investment improved their recovery more than those that did not.

2021 has been the one with the highest inflation in the world since the 1970s with Brazil, Turkey and the United States leading the way, but followed by everyone else. The consequence is that central banks around the world initiated interest rate hikes as a way to contain inflation, so the GDP growth rate in 2022 will be very low overall.

It was a good year of economic rebound, but at the cost of high global inflation that central banks will have to face in the years to come. The recovery was rapid due to increases in government deficits and debt, and even so, spending still does not contribute to economic growth.


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