

Mar, 02/21/2023 - 02:14 -- bacosta

The year 2022 began as one of great uncertainty. A timid economic recovery cooled off in the third quarter of 2021, and the US economy, with its gigantic fiscal deficits, failed to pick up steam. Russia's tensions with Ukraine have grown, and there needs to be a sense of how it can be solved. China has grown steadily, and the Asian countries have performed well, counterbalancing the slowdown in the G7 economies. Inflation rose sharply in the US and had no ceiling. Against this backdrop, year 22 began with surprises and a realisation. The surprise was that their currencies depreciate when the Fed moves the interest rate for the first time if the other central banks do not do so simultaneously. That cost the Euro a 23% drop against the dollar. Second, the addition of economic sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine operation became the opportunity of a lifetime for China to consolidate an Eastern financial architecture. Finally, with the world already fragmented, the US opted firmly for import substitution policies and the de-globalisation that goes with them; while the Asian bloc led by China is advancing with its growth and globalisation.

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The Molotov cocktail of hunger: inflation, shortages, climate crisis and war

Sáb, 05/21/2022 - 01:35 -- bacosta

Drought, climate crisis, fertilizer shortages and war threaten world food security and inflation; the Molotov cocktail fuse of hunger is burning. As the special military operation continues, it is not clear whether classical monetary theory will control inflation nor whether it will solve the problem of hunger.

Russia and Ukraine at war: the icing on the cake of global post-pandemic inflation

Sáb, 03/26/2022 - 00:17 -- bacosta

Since the late 2020s, the world began to experience a sustained rise in inflation that has not stopped. As the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic began to subside, the world experienced a sustained increase in price levels that has not stopped. The Russian military operation on Ukrainian territory has become a further force pushing up prices globally. While several commodity-exporting countries see rising commodity prices as an opportunity to improve their external economic balances, they will also have to face the pressure that prices will put on them.

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Bipolar multilateralism

Lun, 03/07/2022 - 15:00 -- bacosta

The war in Ukraine has made evident the old US-led unipolar world order is dead, and a new one is in the making. Kissinger said, "Far too often the Ukrainian issue is posed as a showdown: whether Ukraine joins the East or the West. But if Ukraine is to survive and thrive, it must not be either side’s outpost against the other — it should function as a bridge between them.” There are three ways of understanding the Ukrainian war. One is the recovery of Ukraine by Russia after thirty years of independence to prevent Nato and the US from stepping in.

Russia sanctions: no one knows who they work for

Vie, 03/04/2022 - 17:00 -- bacosta

Sanctions on Russia stemming from the war with Ukraine will affect the European and Western economies and could strengthen Sino-Russian relations. In the consequences of the war's non-Armis strategies, Western hegemonic strength and the global consolidation of the Eurasian bloc led by China and Russia would be at stake.

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Jue, 12/21/2023 - 02:07 -- bacosta

Natural gas is a fossil energy seen as an alternative by the EU because it does not pollute as much as coal or oil and has become one of the most coveted energy sources. This shift has led to a transformation of the international market structure, the geopolitical implications of which alter the balance of power between producer and consumer countries. The matter will be reviewed in this article.

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