Foro de Davos

Donald Trump habló en el Foro de Davos: “Mi mensaje es muy sencillo, vengan a fabricar su producto en Estados Unidos”

Mar, 01/28/2025 - 23:54 -- cmadrid

Donald Trump habló en el Foro de Davos promoviendo su agenda económica y llamó a empresas a fabricar en EE.UU. con impuestos bajos. Propuso aranceles para quienes no lo hagan. Criticó a Biden, pidió bajar el precio del petróleo y aumentar el gasto en defensa de la OTAN. Dijo que buscará reunirse con Putin para lograr la paz en Ucrania.


Lab-grown meat, insects and plants: WEF's solution to global food shortages

Dom, 02/12/2023 - 16:47 -- lgarcia

With the growing number of human beings on the planet having surpassed eight billion, the World Economic Forum stressed that "we urgently need sustainable technologies and methods to improve our current food systems and land use for agriculture".

The organization warned that we have reached the limits of our "planetary boundaries" and that the heart of the problem lies in our "dietary preferences for livestock-based foods." Biotechnology, plant-based and insect-based nutrient feeds may be the solution.

The WEF praised the FDA's decision for "paving the way for a new environmentally friendly diet." In contrast, the organization criticized the European Union (EU) approach for being too cautious. The EU limits the amount of genetically modified foods that can be imported and grown in the EU bloc.

World Economic Forum's "risk management" report targets energy and food

Mar, 01/31/2023 - 23:53 -- lgarcia

The WEF laid out the latest chapter of its crisis management plan in its Global Risks Report 2023. The report outlines short-term risks under the heading "Today's Crisis" and long-term threats described as "Tomorrow's Catastrophe."

The Global Risks Report states that energy and food shortages and the resulting "cost of living crisis" are primarily a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The solution, says the WEF, is to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to wind and solar power and achieve carbon neutrality on schedule.

WEF founder Klaus Schwab spoke in more ordinary terms, but declared nonetheless that this is a time of "unprecedented multiple crises." The WEF has designated 2023 as the "Year of the Polycrisis".

El presidente surcoreano Yoon viaja a Davos tras una cumbre empresarial en Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Sáb, 01/21/2023 - 23:19 -- lgarcia

El Presidente Yoon Suk Yeol presumió de ser el "vendedor de Corea del Sur", concluyendo el martes pasado su visita de Estado de cuatro días a Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU), enviando a casa $30.000 millones de dólares en acuerdos comerciales con la lucrativa economía árabe, antes de dirigirse al Foro Económico Mundial de Davos (Suiza) para hablar de asuntos internacionales.

A través de la declaración, los dos países acordaron fortalecer la cooperación estratégica en áreas clave que incluyen economía, energía, energía nuclear y defensa, y cooperar por la paz en la Península Coreana.

Más tarde, el martes, Yoon voló a Suiza para asistir a la reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial en Davos, que reúne a líderes políticos y empresariales mundiales. En su discurso, Yoon destacó la necesidad de solidaridad para fortalecer las cadenas de suministro, la transición a la energía limpia y realizar un orden digital.

WEF elites call "cost of living crisis" the main global risk in 2 years

Lun, 01/16/2023 - 09:41 -- lgarcia

On January 11, about a week before its members head to the Swiss ski resort of Davos, the WEF released a Global Risks Report, a survey asking 1,200 "global risk experts, policymakers and industry leaders" to identify the top risks the world is likely to face.

When asked to estimate the severity of such global risks, the majority of respondents ranked "cost-of-living crisis" as the biggest threat to the world in the next two years. Meanwhile, "failure to mitigate climate change" is considered the most serious global risk over the next decade.

The WEF drew criticism in 2020 when Schwab said he believes the pandemic is a "narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reboot our world."

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