crisis fronteriza

Biden tightens his fist on the border with Mexico relying on Trump's heritage

Mar, 01/10/2023 - 17:59 -- lgarcia

The end of 2022 has been especially tough at the border. The year closed with the highest illegal immigration numbers seen since World War II. That was more than two million encounters, a euphemism for apprehensions made by the Border Patrol. The flow has been driven by what the Department of Homeland Security has called an "unprecedented exodus" of people leaving Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

So, with no way to return the largest group of people arriving in the U.S., Mexico has been forced to play an uncomfortable role as a holding room for its northern neighbor. This has increased the pressure on an increasingly overburdened Mexican assistance system.

Mexico and the U.S. inaugurated a new binational security plan early last year, the Bicentennial Agreement, more focused on paper on prevention and collaboration. Meanwhile, Mexico continues to shoot up its deportation figures and both its southern and northern borders remain as or more armored than under Trump. Between October and November, López Obrador deployed more than 32,000 military and National Guard troops, a record in the last two years


Resolución de Año Nuevo sobre la crisis fronteriza

Lun, 01/09/2023 - 23:46 -- lgarcia

La semana pasada, el Tribunal Supremo bloqueó un plan de la administración Biden para poner fin a la llamada norma del Título 42 de la administración Trump que ha estado permitiendo la expulsión rápida de migrantes sin permitir que se procesen sus solicitudes de asilo

Los hechos clave son indiscutibles. Cientos de miles de personas han estado huyendo de problemas derivados de economías fallidas, violencia de bandas criminales y policías y gobiernos corruptos. Pero no se han visto soluciones tangibles y viables por parte de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo durante el gobierno de Biden.

Los gobernadores republicanos Abbott y DeSantis recientemente mantuvieron la expulsión de migrantes hacia los estados del norte, ellos tenían un punto legítimo que querían demostrar (a costa de la seguridad de los migrantes): Los funcionarios de la administración Biden deberían haberse asegurado de que la carga migratoria se repartiera entre todos los estados.

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