
The China-U.S. trade war: another version of causes and consequences

Mié, 10/09/2019 - 18:25 -- anegrete

This note seeks to analyze from a macroeconomic perspective the causes and consequences of economic dynamics and trade warfare from the aggregated gross capital formation, GDP and the Business Confidence Index.

The trade war affects the business confidence whose measurement in March 2018 expressed as BCI, index of confidence in the performance of future businesses, gave 99.5 and 101.2 for China and the U.S. respectively.

The trade war is nothing more than the product of the economy of a country that was once the world commander and that today, faced with the loss of competitive capacity, seeks to blame its main rival as it did in the 1980s with Japan.  But the difference between China and Japan is substance.

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Las reformas estructurales en América Latina: Qué se ha reformado y cómo medirlo

Vie, 11/23/2012 - 16:55 -- luisdavid

Desde  mediados de los años ochenta y hasta finales de los noventa se implementaron políticas públicas estructurales sesgadas hacia las ideas del "Consenso de Washington"; se reemplazó el proteccionismo nacional a favor de un conjunto de políticas orientadas en forma dominante hacia el propósito de mejorar la eficiencia, facilitando el funcionamiento de los mercados y comprimiendo los efectos distorsionantes del papel que jugaba el Estado en las actividades económicas.

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