Reunión de alto nivel con las instituciones de Bretton Woods, OMC y la ONU

Reunión de alto nivel del 27 abril en Naciones Unidas


Comunicado del Comité Monetario y Financiero Internacional de la Junta de Gobernadores del Fondo Monetario Internacional

Comunicado del Comité para el Desarrollo

Statement on behalf of the European Union by H.E. Mr. Martin Palouš, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations

His Excellency Andrei Dapkiunas. Permanent Representative of Belarus to the United Nations on behalf of the Eurasian Economic Community

Statement on behalf the G-77 and China by Ambassador Lumumba Di-Aping, Deputy permanent representative of the Republic of the Sudan 
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Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations on behalf of the Caribe Community 
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Statement by H.E. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti permanent representative of Brazil
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Stament of the Doha NGO group on financing for development (DNG)