CV Participantes

En este sitio encontrará el curriculum breve de los participantes.

Alberto Graña

José Alberto Graña Luza: Peruano, ingeniero mecánico administrador por el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey NL  México; posgraduado en economía en el IPE, Universidad de Sao Paulo Brasil , ex-director de la Revista Actualidad Económica del Perú; autor de los libros: Metamorfosis de la economía: del andamio neoclásico al juego de abalorios del desarrollo, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Lima, 1997, y de El Perú invisible: tensiones y tendencias del desarrollo rural altoandino, Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Participación (CEDEP), Lima, 2005.

Ha escrito y publicado diversos ensayos sobre economía internacional y desarrollo. Es docente, consultor e investigador en temas de desarrollo y economía internacional desde 1980. Es también investigador asociado y docente en economía internacional y desarrollo en el Departamento de Investigaciones y del IED del Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya UARM , Lima Perú


Alicia Puyana

La Dra. Alicia Puyana es profesora-investigadora de tiempo completo.
Realizó los estudios de Doctorado en Economía en la Univesidad de Oxford, Inglaterra. Desde el año 2004 es Investigador Nacional Nivel II del CONACYT. Su más reciente aportación científica y profesional, es el análisis del debate de la economía internacional contemporáneo de América Latina. Entre los temas más tratados por la Dra. Puyana se encuentran los siguientes: Los efectos dinámicos de los cambios en el modelo de inserción en la economía mundial, Convergencia Económica, La teoría de la fragmentación, El comercio intra-industria. La Dra. Puyana es miembro del Consejo Asesor de la Revista Quórum, que edita la Universidad de Alcalá de Nares, España. Asimismo, en el 2004, fue Integrante del Comité de la Biblioteca Iberoamericana, FLACSO-México e Integrante del Comité de Selección para la Integración de Nuevas Promociones


Barbara Fritz

Barbara Fritz estudió economía política en la Universidad Eberhard Karl de Tubinga, en UNISINOS (Brasil) y en la Universidad Libre de Berlín, (1984-1992) Obtuvo un diploma en Economía en 1992.

1986/87 y 1989 Estudios y prácticas en Brasil

1993 Trabajos de investigación para la Fundación Friedrich-Ebert en São Paulo,Brasil

1994 – 1996 Researcher en el Instituto „Iberoamerika-Kunde“ de Hamburgo

1996 – 2001 Prof. Asistente en el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Libre de Berlín

1997 Beca del Instituto Río Branco (Brasília)

1999 Beca de la fundación Friedrich-Ebert

2001 Doctorado en la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Libre de Berlín

2001 – 2005
Senior Researcher de economía de Amércia Latina en el Instituto“Iberoamerika-Kunde” de Hamburgo

Desde 2005 Profesora de economía de América Latina  en el Instituto de Estudios
Latinoamericanos y en la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Libre de Berlín


Bruno Gurtner

He was born on May, 2, 1943 in Belp (Berne, Switzerland)

Schools in Belp, Berne and Neuchâtel
Studies at the University of Berne (Economics, Political Science, Law, Sociolgy), 1970 Master in Economics (lic.rer.pol)
1971/72 Staff member of the Federal Office of Industries and Labour (Ministry of Economics)
1972 Information trip in Latin America
1973-77 Staff member of the Federal Tax Administration (Ministry of Finance)
1977 Free lance journalist
1978-89 Head of the Third World Information Center. Publication of numerous articles in Swiss news papers and magazins on the Swiss Development Policy,Latin America and international economic issues. More than 20 information trips to Latin America.
1990-1993 Journalist in the InfoSouth Agency.
1994-2008 Development Policy Unit of Alliance Sud (Swiss Coalition of Development Organizations), responsible for the program on international development finance (Retirement May 2008) and Deputy Director of AllianceSud (1998-2008). The program is related to BWI, FfD, Int. Financial Architecture, Swiss Financial Centre.

1995-2007: Member of the „Advisory Commission for International 
                  Development Cooperation“ of the Swiss Government.

Co-Founder of the Tax Justice Network (TJN), member of the Steering Committee. Since 2007 Chair Global Board of Directors, Tax Justice Network.

Carlos Marichal

Carlos Marichal, who received his PhD in History from Harvard University (1977) is professor of Latin American economic history at El Colegio de Mexico, a leading  research and postgraduate institute.   
He has been visiting professor at Stanford University (1998-1999), the Universidad Carlos III at Madrid (1996), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (1994), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (1990 and 1993) among other academic centers.

He is author of A Century of Debt Crises in Latin America: From Independence to the Great Depression, 1820-1930, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1989. The Spanish translation was published as Historia de la deuda externa de América Latina. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1989.

Editor of over a dozen books in English and Spanish on Mexican and Latin American economic history.

Coeditors: Carlos Marichal, Steven Topik and Zephyr Frank,  From Silver to Cocaine: Latin American Commodity Chains and the Building of the World Economy, 1500-2000,  Durham, North Carolina,  Duke University Press, 2006, ISBN: WS0822337533.

Coeditors: Carlos Marichal y Mario Cerutti,  La banca regional en México 1870-1930, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica / El Colegio de México, 2003, 350 p. ISBN: 968-16-6824-3.

Editor, México y las Conferencias Panamericanas, 1889-1938, Antecedentes de la globalización, México, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, 2002, 233 p. ISBN: 9688106658.

Coeditors: Carlos Marichal y Daniela Marino, De colonia a nación: la transición fiscal en México, 1750-1860", México, El Colegio de México, 2001, 279 p. ISBN: 9681209893.

Marichal has published over fifty articles in academic journals and over thirty chapters in scholarly books. He has been founder and past president (200-2004) of the Asociación Mexicana de Historia Económica, which groups 180 professors in the field, nationally and internationally.  He received a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship in 1994/95. He is member of the Mexican  Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel III. At present and until  2008 he is an elected member of the  Governing Board (Junta de Gobierno) of  El Colegio de México.






Flor Brown Grossman

Consultora externa de: Banco Mundial, Organización Internacional del Trabajo, Comisión de Estudios para América Latina (CEPAL), Fundes Internacional, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Centro de Capital Intelectual y Competitividad Internacional.

Publicaciones recientes

Brown, F. y Domínguez L., Organización Industrial: teoría y aplicaciones al caso mexicano, Facultad de Economía, UNAM, 2005.

Domínguez, L. y F. Brown Estructura de mercado y patrones de competencia en México,  Miguel Angel Porrúa, 2003.

Brown, F. y L. Domínguez (coordinadoras),  La manufactura mexicana: ensayos de Economía Aplicada, Facultad de Economía, México, 1999.
Brown, F. y L. Domínguez, Productividad: desafío de la industria mexicana, Editorial Jus,1999.

Flor Brown “Apertura y respuesta ambiental: la industria textil mexicana” en Jenkins, Rhys y Mercado Alfonso, Ambiente e industria en México: Tendencias, regulación y comportamiento empresarial, El Colegio de México, México, 2008. ISBN 978-968-12-1367-1

Domínguez, L. y F. Brown, “El gasto ambiental: diagnósticos y reflexiones de política” en: Calva José Luis, Sustentabilidad y desarrollo ambiental, Miguel Angel Porrúa, UNAM, Cámara de Diputados, México, 2007.

Domínguez, L. y F. Brown, “Capacidades tecnológicas: propuesta de medición y agrupamientos para la industria mexicana” por publicarse en: Gabriela Dutrénit y Fernando Echegaray, Acumulación de capacidades tecnológicas, aprendizaje y cooperación en la esfera global & local,  Colección Innovación y Desarrollo, UAM-ADIAT- Miguel Angel Porrúa.

Domínguez, L. y F. Brown, “Inversión extranjera directa y el efecto spillover ante el tlcan” en Monica Gambril, Diez años del tlcan en México, CISAN, UNAM, México, 2006

Zuñiga María Pluvia, Guzmán Alenka y Flor Brown, “Technology Acquisition Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Mexico”, Comparative Technology Transfer and Society, Vol. 5 No. 3, December 2007, pp 274-297.

Brown, Flor, Lilia Domínguez y Leo Mertens “La importancia del capital social  en  la mejora de la productividad: Caso de la industria manufacturera mexicana” por publicarse en la Revista Mexicana de Sociología , 2007.

Domínguez, L. y F. Brown, "Business Environmental Decisions in the Context of the Free Trade Agreement" for publication in Policy Studies Journal , 2007.

Leonard Mertens, Flor Brown y Lilia Domínguez  “Competitividad, productividad y trabajo decente: desafíos para la industria manufacturera” Revista Trabajo, Septiembre, 2005.

 Domínguez, L. y F. Brown, “ Measuring Tecnologícal Capabilities in Mexican Industry” No 83, CEPAL Review, junio de 2005.

























Francisco Aguayo

Ciudad de México, 1972. Licenciado en Economía por la UNAM, PhD Candidate por el Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT), Universidad de Maastricht, Países Bajos. Desde 2003 es Investigador de Programa en el Programa sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Desarrollo de El Colegio de México. Ha publicado sobre temas de organización industrial, economía laboral y regional, cambio técnico e innovación, emisiones de gases invernadero en la industria y consumo energético. Participó como Revisor en el Cuarto Informe de Evaluación (AR4) del Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (2007). Junto con Alejandro Nadal, coeditó el libro Historias de crisis y experiencias de desarrollo. Autonomía económica y globalización, publicado en 2007 por El Colegio de México.


Isabel Ortiz

Isabel Ortiz is a Senior Interregional Advisor at the Department for Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations in New York. Dr. Ortiz has over 17 years experience in various areas of economic and social development. From 1995 to 2003 she worked at the Asian Development Bank. In 1995-99, she was Project Economist and Manager of several infrastructure and social sector multimillion investments for the Asian Development Bank. Later, from 1999 to 2003, she was senior official at the Strategy and Policy Department of the Asian Development Bank, where she founded its Poverty Unit.  In 2003-05 she undertook a number of consulting assignments for DFID, UNDP, OECD, KfW, the World Bank and for Joseph Stiglitz's Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Prior to this, she worked in Brussels at the European Union (1992-93), was a researcher at the Spanish High Council of Scientific Research (CSIC, Department of International Economics, 1993-94) and lectured on Public Policy at University of Madrid (1994-1995).  I. Ortiz is Master and Ph.D. from the London School of Economics, and has published widely on aid, financing for development, and poverty reduction. She has field experience in more than 30 countries of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

Lilia Domínguez

Profesora e investigadora en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Egresada de la Facultad de Economía,  con estudios de posgrado en la Universidad de Manchester y la Universidad de East Anglia en Inglaterra y en The New School for Social Research en Estados Unidos. Doctora por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Sus temas de investigación son: organización industrial, cambio técnico, industria y medio ambiente y economía y género. En coautoría o individualmente ha publicado 5 libros de investigación, uno de texto, 20 capítulos en libros y 21 artículos en revistas arbitradas.

Marcos Penna Sattamini de Arruda

Rua João Afonso, 85 - Humaitá
22261-040 Rio de Janeiro - Tel. 21 2539 3403 - 2527 6380
Office: PACS - tel./fax 5521 2210 2124
R.I.1.641.396-5 IFP-RJ - CPF 606 957 147 91
- (personal)

Economist and educator
Born in 1941, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Married to Catherine de Arruda Lambelet (Swiss citizen). Their son Pablo was born in Aug. 2, 1990 and has Brazilian and Swiss citizenship.

Languages: Brazilian, English, Spanish and French (written and spoken) and Italian.

1.Professionalactivities in Development Economics:
A) Current:

  • Economist and educator - Since 1986 - Associated with PACS - Institute of Alternative Policies for the Southern Cone of Latin America, which he helped set up in 1986 with economists from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. General Coordinator; economic researcher and consultant; youth and adult educator.
  • Networks - Represents PACS in a number of networks: Jubilee Brazil and Jubilee Americas Networks; Brazil Network on the Multilateral Financial Institutions (IFIs); and others.
  •  Global animation - Since 1997 - Member of the Global Animation Team of the Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and Solidarity-based Economy (ALOE, ex-WSSE).
  • Educator of educators - In the last 20 years has worked as educator of educators, with youth and adults, through courses and seminars in schools belonging to trade unions. 


- Since 1975 - has been a fellow researcher of the Amsterdam-based Transnational Institute. Participates in fellows' meetings, international seminars and research programs. Was a member of TNI's governing board between 1997-2000.

- Since 2005 - member of RILESS, the Latin American Network of Researchers on a Solidarity-based Socioeconomy.

B) Past professional experiences:

Consultant - Has worked as a consultant in the areas of development economics and education with municipal governments in Brazil also as a consultant to national governments (Guiné Bissau, Cape Verde, Nicaragua, Ireland) in the areas of development economics, community development and youth and adult education.


- 2004-2007 - Lecturer on Corporate Social Responsibility to managers of the largest State-owned enterprise in Brazil, Petrobrás.

- 1997-1998 - Lecturer and educator on community development as a consultant to Community Action Network and the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Ireland.

- 1992-1995 - Between 1992 e 1995, was coordinator of the International NGO Working Group on the World Bank.

-1982-1986 - Was a co-founder of Ibase - Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis, with Herbet Souza - Betinho - and Carlos Afonso, where he served as programs director between 1982 and 1986, also working as an economic researcher and as educator.

- 1979-1982 -Economic consultant for the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland.

- 1979-1988 - Served as consultant to the Ministry of Education of Nicaragua.

- 1975-1978 - Worked four years as an economist and educator with Prof. Paulo Freire at the Institute of Cultural Action, during the exile of both in Switzerland. * Served as a consultant to the Ministries of Education of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.

- 1965-1967 - Worked as in aero photographic interpretation and structural geology with PROSPEC, Petrópolis, RJ and São Paulo, SP, and as a teacher in Geosciences and modern mathematics.

3. Academic History: 

Since 1997 - Professor of Solidarity-based Economy and Human Development in various campuses of UNIPAZ - International University for Peace in Brazil and abroad.

Since 1976 - * Lecturer at several Universities in Brazil and abroad.

Consultant with national and local governments on development and youth-adult education.

2006 - Visiting professor at the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Geneva (Mar-Apr).

2005 - Visiting professor at the Center for Latin American Studies, Watson Institute of International Relations, Brown University (Aug-Dec.), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

1983-1992 - Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Education of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Education - IESAE/FGV.

PhD in Education and Economicsat the Fluminense Federal University (Niterói, RJ), with the dissertation entitled "Education for what Work? Work for what Human Being? Reflections on Education and Work, its meaning and its Future". Summa cum Laude and recommended for publication by the examining board. Vozes Editing House is publishing the dissertation as a trilogy (in three volumes).

Master of Arts in Development Economics at The American University, Washington DC.

Graduation in Geology at the National Scholl of Geologyof the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in 1964.

Studied Philosophy and Classical Languages between 1959 and 1960, at the School of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus, Itaici, SP.



1. "Humanizing the Infra-Human - The Education of the Integral Human Being: Evolutionary Homo, Praxis and Solidarity-based Economy", 2003, Brazilian edition by Editora Vozes, Petrópolis, and Spanish edition by Icaria Editorial, Barcelona (an English translation is being revised for publication)

2. "Making Real what is Possible - The Education of the Integral Human Being:  Solidarity-based Economy, Development, and the Future of Labor", 2006, Editora Vozes, Petrópolis. (Brazilian and Spanish)

3. "Education for a Love Economy - The Education of the Integral Human Being: Praxis Education and Solidarity-based Economy" (in Brazilian), Editora Vozes, Petrópolis (to be published in 2008). (Brazilian)

4. "Letters to Lula - Another Brazil is Possible", 2006, Documenta Historica Editora, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

5. "Faith and Politics - Foundations", co-author, 2004, Editora Idéias e Letras, São Paulo.

6. "The Other Economy", 2003, Edit. Veraz, Porto Alegre, RS; co-author, having written two entries, one about Solidarity-based Socioeconomy and the other about Emancipated Work (Brazilian). The latter is included in the French version of this book, published in 2005 by the name of "Dictionnaire de l'Autre Economie", by Desclée de Brouwer, Paris. (French)

7. "External Debt: Brazil and the International Financial Crisis", 2000, Pluto Press and the Transnational Institute, London. (English)

8. "E(X)ternal Debt: For Capital, Everything, for the Social,  Crumbles" 1999, Editora Vozes, Petrópolis. (Brazilian)

9. "Globalization - Socioeconomic, Ethical and Educational Challenges" (in Brazilian), 2000, with Prof. Leonardo Boff, Editora Vozes, Petrópolis. (Brazilian)

10. "Beyond Bretton Woods: Alternatives to the International Economic System", 1994, co-editor and co-author with Daphne Wysham and John Cavanagh, Pluto Press, London and the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam. (English)

Marlén Sánchez Gutierrez

Profesora Auxiliar de la Universidad de La Habana, graduada en 1986 del Instituto Superior de Relaciones In­ternacionales (ISRI) en la especialidad de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales. Actualmente labora en el Centro de Investigaciones de Economía Internacional

Especialista en Finanzas Internacionales, durante más de 20 años se ha dedicado a investigar sobre temas vinculados al Sistema Monetario Internacional, los mercados financieros internacionales, la deuda externa latinoamericana, los flujos internacionales de capitales, la globalización financiera, entre otros.

Ha dictado diversos cursos de post-grado sobre Finanzas Internacionales dentro y fuera del país, y ha realizado además varios estudios sobre Banca Central, Macroeconomía, Econometría, Mercados Financieros, Flujos de capitales,  y otros temas específicos vinculados a su especialidad.

Ha participado en numerosos eventos y seminarios internacionales y ha participado en algunos adiestramientos en Bancos Centrales latinoamericanos. Fungió como Gerente de Investigaciones de la Dirección de Estudios Económicos del Banco Central de Cuba durante cinco años consecutivos. Es autora de un libro, coautora de otros y tiene además publicado numerosos artículos sobre los temas que investiga.

Es Miembro del Comité Académico de la Asociación Nacional de Economistas de Cuba y ha representado a dicha instituciones ante diferentes eventos en las Naciones Unidas incluido todo el proceso preparatorio a la Reunión de Alto Nivel sobre Financiamiento al Desarrollo, la Cumbre del 2002 y su posterior proceso de seguimiento.


Masahiro Kawai

Mr. Kawai joined the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) in January 2007 after serving as Head of Asian Development Bank’s Office of Regional Economic Integration (OREI) and Special Advisor to the ADB President in charge of regional economic cooperation and integration.

Prior to joining the ADB in October 2005, Mr. Kawai was a Professor of Economics at the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Social Science.  Mr. Kawai also served as Chief Economist for the World Bank’s East Asia and the Pacific Region from 1998 to 2001, and worked for Japan’s Ministry of Finance from 2001 to 2003 as Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs and later as the President of the ministry’s Policy Research Institute.

Mr. Kawai began his professional career as a Research Fellow at the Brookings Institution (Washington, DC) from 1977 to 1978 and then as an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Department of Economics of Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore) from 1978 to 1986.  Afterwards, he was an Associate and Full Professor of Economics at the Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.  He served as a consultant at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and at the International Monetary Fund, both in Washington, DC.  He was also Special Research Advisor at the Institute of Fiscal and Monetary Policy (currently Policy Research Institute) in Japan’s Ministry of Finance, and a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan’s Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies and at the Economic Planning Agency’s Economic Research Institute (currently the Cabinet Office’s Economic and Social Research Institute).

Mr. Kawai has written books and numerous academic articles on international trade and finance, on economic globalization and regionalization, on regional financial integration and cooperation in East Asia, including lessons from the Asian financial crisis, and on the international currency system.  Some of his publications include: The New World Fiscal Order: Implications for Industrialized Nations (co-edited), Urban Institute, 1996; Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia (co-edited), Routledge Curzon, 2004; and Policy Coherence towards East Asia: Development Challenges for OECD Countries (co-edited), Development Centre, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2005.

He graduated with his B.A. and M.A. degrees in Economics from the University of Tokyo’s Economics Department.  He earned his M.S. degree in Statistics and Ph.D. degree in Economics from Stanford University.

Noemi Levy

She obtained her PHD in economics at UNAM, Mexico City, 1999, getting the Antonio Caso for the PHD dissertion and, she also has a master degree of economic for which she obtained an honorific mention.

At present she is a full time professor in the Economic Department of UNAM, teaching at the pre-graduate and graduate levels.

She has specialized in monetary economics, with particular attention in development issues of Latin American countries, being finance for development and financial institutions operations important focuses of her research activity. At present she coordinated the research project “Financial structures and finance for economic development”, financed by DGAPA-UNAM.

She belongs to the Mexican System of National Research (SNI-CONACYT), level II..

She has published two books, edited seven books, coordinated Journals issues and written multiple papers that have been published as book chapters and paper-journals.

  The latter publication are: “Open Market Operations in Emerging Markets: The Mexican Experience” en open Market Operations and the Financial Markets. David Mayers and Jan Toporowski, (editors) ISBN: 0-415-4177-9, pp. 157-77, 2007.


“Financiamiento del crecimiento y disponibilidad de créditos bancarios”, coordinador José Luís Calva en Financiamiento del Crecimiento Económico, (Vol. 6), editorial Porrúa, 1ª Edición  marzo 2007, UNAM


The effects of external capital flows in developing countries: financial instability or "wrong" prices. International Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 37, N. 4 (Winter 2008-2009), forthcoming.

Pedro Paez

Economista por la PUCE-Quito 
Magister en Desarrollo y Políticas Públicas por la FLACSO,  
Master of Sciences (MSc)University of Texas, 
PhD University of  Texas at Austin.   

Analista económico, técnico del Banco Central desde 1983, profesor universitario de pre y posgrado  en universidades nacionales  (FLACSO, San Francisco, ESPOL, Pacífico, etc) y  extranjeras:(University of Utah en Salt Lake City y Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle  en Paris)ex Viceministro de Economía,  actualmente Ministro Coordinador de la Política Económica de la República del Ecuador y Presidente de la Comisión Técnica Presidencial para el diseño de la Nueva Arquitectura Financiera Internacional, Banco  del Sur.

Yoko Kitazawa

Ms. Yoko Kitazawa

Academic Career: Graduated on March 1955 from the Faculty of Economics

                  National University of Yokohama

                  1982-83 Lecturer at the faculty of Law of St.Paul University

                  1985-86 Lecturer at the Nagasaki University

                  1986-87 Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the Shinshuu University

                  1988-92 Lecturer at the Faculty of Commerce of Chuo University

                  1979-95 Lecturer at the Japan Journalist Academy

                  2001-03 President of Peace Studies Association of Japan

Professional Career: 1955-59 Researcher at the Japan-China Export & Import Association

                  1959-69 Head of Women's Section of the Permanent Secretariat of the Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization ( AAPSO )

                  1977-85 Member of the Advisory Group on Economic Matters of CCPD of the World Council of Churches

                  1973 Founded and President of Pacific Asia Resource Center & Editorial Board of AMPO

                  1974 Testified at the United Nations General Assembly on Japan's Economic Relations with South Africa

                  1990 Founded & President of People to People Aid

                  1995 NGO member of the Japanese Government Delegation to the UN World Summit for Social Development

                  1993 Coordinator of Japan Bretton Woods Coalition   

                  1993-98 Chair of the Board of El Taller

                  1998-00 Co-chair of Jubilee 2000 Coalition Japan

                  2001- Co-Chair of Japan Network on Debt & Poverty Free-Lance Journalist and Writer

Books:           “From Tokyo to Johannesburg” issued at National Council of   

                 Churches, USA  New York 1974

                 Co-edition “ Allies in Apartheid”  Macmillan London 1988

                           “ Conflict over Natural Resources in South –East Asia

                           and the Pacific”  Oxford University London  1990